2015 Rome Italy Galleria Borghese blog cover

Borghese houses some of the most noteworthy pieces of art on the planet. 

  1. "apollo and daphne" by gian lorenzo bernini
  2. "The Rape of Proserpina" created by a 23 year old Bernini,
  3. "David with the Head of Goliath" by caravaggio, 
  4. "Aeneas, Anchises and Ascanius Fleeing Troy" by Gian Bernini

Gallery Borghese, was named for Scipione Borghese, an italian cardinal.   Scipione Borghese was a patron of Caravaggio and Gian Bernini.  Making him one, if not the most influential art patrons, ever.  

Gallery Borghese is home to 6 Caravaggio's spanning the artist's 38 year life.   2 of the most noteworthy and famous caravaggio paintings being "Saint Jerome Writing", and "David with the head of Goliath.  And unfortunately, those were the only 2 whihc I photographed.

David with the Head of Goliath at Borghese galleryapollo and daphne by Gian Bernini At borghese gallery Aeneas Anchises Ascanius Fleeing Troy sculpture at Borghese gallery

To be honest, I was wrapped up in the Gian Bernini Sculpture.  And It was this way for me the entire trip to Rome.   I had seen great masterworks in paintings in various Museums around the world.  but NOTHING compares to the sculptural works I saw in Rome.  The detail and emotion depicted in the Gian Bernini Works alone, were worth the trip. 

I honestly feel as if seeing these completed some part of my life.  Ticking off some major milestone off my bucket list.  Or, perhaps I had an awareness that this is as good as it gets.  I will never see a more perfectly executed sculpture, in my life.

Standing face to face with Rape of Proserpina, in some way completed me.  And you can read a bit about that experience at this blog post.   

"Aeneas, Anchises and Ascanius Fleeing Troy," also by Gian Bernini.  This depicts Aeneas(founder of Rome), fleeing Troy.  His child clinging to his leg, his aged father being carried.   This statue clearly being the work of a great master, if you look close, you can see the detailed veins and the folds of the old mans saggy skin.  

Interestingly, the old man is depicted carrying a statue.  And there are 3 generations depicted in the sculpture.  This is noteworthy, because Gian Bernini Father was a sculptor, working in the style of Mannerism.  And this is considered one of the last Manneristic styled Sculptures created by Bernini before he began his Realistic or Baroque style of emotional sculptures, (ie Rape of Proserpina).


October 17, 2021 — ryan lutz